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Our very own collection of images.
Used an Olympus C3040 Digital
Camera using eyepiece projection (Afocal) with a 40mm Plossel eyepiece and
2X Ultima Barlow with Scopetronics Digital adapter. The
hardest thing is the focus with the digital camera. Although I can get
super clear focus visually, when the picture is taken the focus is off. I
did capture perhaps a little hint of polar cap and surface structure if
you look really close. Update! Found out later that Mars was in a global
dust storm. No wonder that wasn't any structure! |
9-28-2010 - Jupiter through
a TeleVue NP-102 4" refractor working at f/16.4 with an ST-402ME. Click
on the image and you can just make out 3 moon from left to right
Ganymede, Europa, Io. |
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