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M33 - A beautiful face on spiral in Triangulum. This image is a stack of 10 x 60 second images with a TeleVue 102 working at f/6.9 with an SBIG 402ME. Very little processing is done on the image.
Some of my very own images of various galaxies, with very little image processing...
ANDROMEDA (An-DROM-eh-da) The Princess. Genitive: Andromedae (An-DROM-eh-dee). Abbreviation: And | |
Andromeda Galaxy, Great Nebula in Andromeda,
M31, NGC224 Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object! Most extremely bright, extremely large, very moderately extended (Andromeda); = M31. Magnitude: 4.0 RA: 00h 42m 44.4s Dec: +41°16'08" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 10/15/2003**** This is a Track and Accumulate of 10 X 20 second images. An ST-237A through a 3.9" refractor working @ f/3.57. |
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Andromeda Galaxy, Great Nebula in Andromeda,
M31, NGC224 with M32 in the frame. Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object! Most extremely bright, extremely large, very moderately extended (Andromeda); = M31. Magnitude: 4.0 RA: 00h 42m 44.4s Dec: +41°16'08" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 11/09/2005**** This is a stack of 11 X 30 second images. An ST-402 through a TeleVue TV-102 refractor working @ f/5.11. Click on the image for a larger version. |
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NGC 891 Other description: Edge on galaxy dusty. Constellation: And Dreyer description: Remarkable! Bright, very large, very moderately extended 22°. Magnitude: 10.0 RA: 02h 22m 59.0s Dec: +42°22'45" RA: 02h 22m 36.0s Dec: +42°21'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 11/09/2005**** 10-1-2010 - This is a stack of 20 X 60 second images. An ST-402 through a TeleVue TV-102 refractor working @ f/6.9. Click on the image for a larger version. |
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CANES VENATICI (KAY-neez Ve-NAT-i-sy) The Hunting Dogs. Genitive: Canum Venaticorum (KAY-num Ve-NAT-i-kor-um). Abbreviation: CVn | |
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Whirlpool Galaxy ,M51, NGC 5194 Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object!, great spiral nebula M51. Magnitude: 9.2 RA: 13h 29m 53.3s Dec: +47°11'48" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** 10 X 60 second images with an SBIG ST-402ME working @ f/5.11 TeleVue 102. Unsharp Mask applied. That's the extent of the processing! Click on the image for a larger view. IC 4263, an apparent magnitude 15.2 barred spiral is in the upper far right in this image. |
Whirlpool Galaxy ,M51, NGC5194 Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object!, great spiral nebula M51. Magnitude: 9.2 RA: 13h 29m 53.3s Dec: +47°11'48" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici. This was a simple 20 second image on an Alt-Az mount! Used an ST-237A @ f/3.95 with an FR237 Focal Reducer. |
Whirlpool Galaxy ,M51, NGC5194 Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object!, great spiral nebula M51. Magnitude: 9.2 RA: 13h 29m 53.3s Dec: +47°11'48" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** M51 - Simple 60 second image through a TeleVue 102 4" apochromatic refractor with a Meade DSI. Slight Histrogram adjustment and color adjustment. |
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Whirlpool Galaxy ,M51, NGC5194 Dreyer description: A magnificent (or otherwise interesting) object!, great spiral nebula M51. Magnitude: 9.2 RA: 13h 29m 53.3s Dec: +47°11'48" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** 3-23-2010 - Single 100 second image through an Orion 4.5" Starblast reflector with an ST-402ME @f/4.5. Medium low-pass unsharp mask is the only processing. |
Object name: M63, Sunflower Galaxy Magnitude: 8.5 Equatorial: RA: 13h 16m 05s Dec: +42°00'15"(current) Equatorial 2000: RA: 13h 15m 49s Dec: +42°01'59" **** Image Log **** 4/13/2005 - 1 x 120 second image from New Mexico Skies iBisque 14" binned 2X2. Some histogram and gamma adjust and slight noise reduction with AIP4Win. |
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CEPHEUS (SEE-fee-us) The King. Genitive: Cephei (See-fee-eye). Abbreviation: Cep | |
Object name: NGC 6946 Equatorial 2000: RA: 20h 34m 53s Dec: +60°09'14" Size: 11.4 x 9.9 Transit time: 20:40 Always above horizon. Object type: Spiral Galaxy **** Image Log **** One of my favorite galaxies. Quite challenging visually, but very photogenic. This is an image stacked with 4 X 60 second exposure on a Celestron C-14 working at f/11 with an SBIG ST-1001E taken at NM Skies via iBisque. The brightening in the upper right is stray light. |
Object name: NGC 6946 Equatorial 2000: RA: 20h 34m 53s Dec: +60°09'14" Size: 11.4 x 9.9 Transit time: 20:40 Always above horizon. Object type: Spiral Galaxy **** Image Log **** Another image with longer exposures. This is an image stacked with 5 X 130 second exposures on a Celestron C-14 working at f/11 with an SBIG ST-1001E taken at NM Skies via iBisque. The brightening in the upper right is stray light. The 5 images are aligned and combined and this image has Richardson-Lacy sharpening. Click on the image for new window and larger view. |
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COMA BERENICES (KO-ma Be-ren-EYE-Seez) Berenice's Hair. Genitive: Comae Berenices (KO-me Be-ren-EYE-seez), Abbreviation: Com | |
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NGC 4565 Constellation Coma Berenices Magnitude: 9.60 RA: 12h 36m 18.0s Dec: 25d 59m 0s N (E2000) **** Observation Log **** 4/07/2005 - Simple 60 second unguided image through a 4" apo refractor and a Meade DSI working at f/5.12. Slight histogram adjustment and color adjust. That's it! |
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NGC 4565, NGC 4562 Constellation Coma Berenices Magnitude: 9.60 RA: 12h 36m 18.0s Dec: 25d 59m 0s N (E2000) **** Observation Log **** 4/29/2005 - Simple 60 second unguided image through a 4" apo refractor with an ST-402ME working at f/5.12. NGC 4562 is the small spiral to the left in this image. IC 3545 is the small galaxy to the bottom left of center in this image. |
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HYDRA (HIGH-dra) The Female Water Snake. Genitive: Hydrae (HIGH-dree). Abbreviation: Hya | |
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M83, NGC5236 Dreyer description: Very remarkable! Very bright, very large, extended 55°, extremely abruptly brighter middle nucleus, 3-branched spiral; = M83. Magnitude: 8.1 RA: 13h 37m 18.8s Dec: -29°53'54" RA: 13h 37m 00.2s Dec: -29°52'04" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** 06/08/2005 - This is 5 X 180 second images combined. Click on the image for a larger view. This image was taken at New Mexico Skies iBisque telescope. |
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PISCES (PIE-seez) The Fishes. Genitive: Piscium (PISH-ee-um). Abbreviation: Psc | |
NGC 470 and NGC 474 and NGC 467 Other description: Very elongated galaxy brightest in group. Constellation: Psc Dreyer description: Pretty bright, large, irregularly round. Magnitude: 11.9 RA: 01h 19m 57.4s Dec: +03°26'37" RA: 01h 19m 42.0s Dec: +03°25'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** 10/12/2004 - This is 2 X 150 second exposures. Images aligned and median combined. 10/15/2004 - 10 X 150 Second exposures.. Images aligned and median combined NGC 470 is the one closest to the center. NGC 474 is a Shell Galaxy and also classified as a Lenticular to the lower right of NGC 470. You can just make out the "shell". NGC 467 is the galaxy in the upper left by the bright star. PGC 4755 is top center. PGC 4765 is top left of center. Notice that there are at least five galaxies in this image. Click on the image for a larger version. |
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SCULPTOR (SKULP-tor) The Sculptor. Genitive: Sculptoris (SKULP-tor-is). Abbreviation: Scl | |
Sculptor Galaxy, NGC 253 Other description: Very elongated galaxy, dust & bright knots. Constellation: Scl Dreyer description: Very remarkable! Very, very bright, very, very large, very moderately extended 54°, gradually brighter middle. Magnitude: 7.1 RA: 00h 47m 44.6s Dec: -25°16'11" RA: 00h 47m 36.0s Dec: -25°17'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** 10/12/2004 - The lovely Sculptor Galaxy. This is 5 exposures at 130 seconds. Images aligned and median combined. No other processing. Click on the image for new window and larger view. |
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TRIANGULUM (Tri-ANG-you-lum) The Triangle. Genitive: Trianguli (Tri-ANG-you-lie). Abbreviation: Tri | |
Pinwheel Galaxy, Triangulum Galaxy,
M33, NGC598 Dreyer description: Remarkable! Extremely bright, extremely large, round, very gradually brighter middle nucleus; = M33. Magnitude: 6.2 RA: 01h 33m 50.9s Dec: +30°39'37" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 10/15/2003 **** This is a 9 X 30 second images. An old ST-237A through a 3.9" refractor working @ f/3.57. |
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Pinwheel Galaxy, Triangulum Galaxy,
M33, NGC598 Dreyer description: Remarkable! Extremely bright, extremely large, round, very gradually brighter middle nucleus; = M33. Magnitude: 6.2 RA: 01h 33m 50.9s Dec: +30°39'37" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 11-8-2005 **** This is a Track and Accumulate of 20 X 20 second images. An ST-402 through a TeleVue TV-102 refractor working @ f/5.11. Click on the image for a larger version. |
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Pinwheel Galaxy, Triangulum Galaxy,
M33, NGC598 Dreyer description: Remarkable! Extremely bright, extremely large, round, very gradually brighter middle nucleus; = M33. Magnitude: 6.2 RA: 01h 33m 50.9s Dec: +30°39'37" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log 11-8-2005 **** 9-28-2010 - Stack of 10 X 60 second images. An ST-402ME through a TeleVue TV-102 refractor working @ f/6.9. A single mild Low pass unsharp mask. Click on the image for a larger version. |
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URSA MAJOR (ER-sa MAY-jer) The Great Bear. Genitive: Ursae Majoris (ER-see May-JOR-is). Abbreviation: UMa | |
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Bode's Nebula, , M81, NGC 3031 Dreyer description: Remarkable! Extremely bright, extremely large, extended 156°, gradually abruptly very much brighter middle bright nucleus; = M81. Magnitude: 7.9 RA: 09h 55m 33.5s Dec: +69°04'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** This is one exposure of 300 seconds. No processing except tweaking the Histogram. Click the image for a larger version. |
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Bode's Nebula, , M81, NGC 3031 Dreyer description: Remarkable! Extremely bright, extremely large, extended 156°, gradually abruptly very much brighter middle bright nucleus; = M81. Magnitude: 7.9 RA: 09h 55m 33.5s Dec: +69°04'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** 3-23-2010 - This is 2x 200 second stacked image through an Orion 4.5" Starblast reflector with an ST-402ME @ f/4.5. |
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Common Name: Pinwheel Galaxy, M101, NGC 5457 Spiral galaxy structure with bright knots. Constellation Ursa Major Magnitude: 7.70 RA, Dec: 14h 3m RA: 14h 3m 11.9s , Dec: 54d 21m 0s N (E2000) **** Observation Log **** 3 X 30 second images aligned and stacked. No image processing on it besides slight histogram adjustment. Click the image for a larger version. |
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VIRGO (VER-go) The Virgin. Genitive: Virginis (VER-gin-is). Abbreviation: Vir | |
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NGC 4762 Other description: Edge on galaxy dusty. Constellation: Vir Dreyer description: Pretty bright, very moderately extended 31°, 3 bright stars south, eastward of 2. Magnitude: 10.2 RA: 12h 53m 03.4s Dec: +11°12'56" RA: 12h 52m 54.0s Dec: +11°14'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** NGC 4762 - Digital CCD ST-237A on an alt-az mount. 15 Second duration with Celestron NS 11GPS working @ f/3.95 with an FR237 Focal Reducer. |
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Siamese Twins, NGC 4567 Other description: Elongated galaxy close companion. Constellation: Vir Dreyer description: Very faint, large, northwest of double nebula (4568 at 160° +/-). Magnitude: 11.3 RA: 12h 36m 39.5s Dec: +11°13'56" RA: 12h 36m 30.0s Dec: +11°15'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Image Log **** Siamese Twins, NGC 4567 & NGC 4568 Avg. of Three 60 sec. exposures at f/3.3 from the Mabee Observatory taken at the prime focus of our Meade 16" LX200 GPS with our SBIG STV CCD Camera. Image by Luke Schmidt |
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Siamese Twins, NGC 4567 & NGC 4568 Other description: Elongated galaxy close companion. Constellation: Vir Dreyer description: Very faint, large, northwest of double nebula (4568 at 160° +/-). Magnitude: 11.3 RA: 12h 36m 30.0s Dec: +11°15'00" (Epoch 2000) **** Observation Log **** Another image of the Siamese Twins. 6 X 180 seconds combined. Click on the image of a larger version. |
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